My vision of helping people exists partly due to wanting to make up for my failed hospital volunteer experience, but also because I believe the best thing you can do in this world is to help people who cannot help themselves. I will admit that I have not done much so far in making my vision actually happen, but I know the steps I have to take and I am willing to take them. I have to do my research on the different volunteer opportunities out there, and furiously pursue what I want to do. While I fulfill my vision, it is important to stick with it and follow through with my obligations, which I no doubt will do. What an incredibly noble vision to start off with, eh?
I’m going to continue my vision posting quest with a very common vision. I see myself working at a job with a lucrative salary in the coming years. The reason for this is that I want to be able to support my family so that my parents will not have to work anymore. However, the steps I have to take to make this vision happen are long and arduous. I have to stop slacking off in my academics and start studying. Though your GPA is only one measly line on a resume, it is a very important line to employers who are contemplating on whether to hire you when you’re still in or straight out of college.

I am also interning at a tax department right now to gain experience in taxation, which will help me in finding a career in that field. I have also volunteered in Baruch as part of VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), which has really helped me learn a lot about the IRS. Through a combination of doing well in school, interning, and community service, I feel I have taken/will take the right steps towards my goal. My vision, when combined with those actions, will transform my vision, like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly, into a beautiful reality.
Being a person with some free time, I have tried to fill that void with various things. One void-filler that has stuck, is physical exercise. Working out gives me an outlet for my anger and other negative feelings. It also pushes me to my limits. I feel the good pain and end up feeling good overall. This is why one of my visions is being able to do thirty straight full hang pull-ups. Not only does it work out my favorite muscle (the latissimus dorsi), but it is also a great test for physical fitness.

For my birthday last year, a close friend of mine gave me a pull-up bar, and I must say it is one of the best presents I have ever received, as I use it every day, getting ever closer to my goal. Every morning I wake up and before doing anything else (sometimes I pee first), I do sixteen to eighteen pull-ups. It’s a great way to jolt myself awake and to get some calories burned right as my day starts. Also, before every workout I have at the Baruch gym, I always do at least sixteen straight pull-ups. I know that as I do more and more, my body will adapt to it, making it easier to do even more. This is why I am willing to continue waking up every morning to a brutal set of pull-ups. My morning routine is a recurring action that I am willing to commit to in support of my vision. Reaching thirty pull-ups is a huge milestone which I know will eventually become a reality.
One cliché dream I’ve always had is to travel the world. I envision myself traveling to each of the seven continents (there ARE seven, right?) and spend at least a day (twenty four hours) in each of them. I want to live in different cultures and enjoy the different experiences the world has to offer. By taking action, I hope to turn this dream into a vision.

One medium in which I hope to turn this vision into a reality is Baruch College. This fine school offers many outstanding study abroad programs which I plan to take advantage of in the time I have remaining here. On the surface, being an accountancy major at Baruch may not be the career best geared towards travel. However, by taking the five year accountancy program offered here, I expect to finish my fifth year with a MS (Master of Science) in taxation. Now, taxation may not be the most interesting or exciting career, but my goal right now is to focus on international taxation. I plan on obtaining an internship in international taxation, which will hopefully open up doors for a career in international taxation, which will hopefully open up opportunities for me to travel the globe. If I end up being stuck in an office all day with no potential for traveling anywhere as part of my work, that would run quite contrary to my vision. But hey, that’s what vacations are for.
Traveling doesn’t have to be limited to the globe, it can be limited to a country. This is why one of my visions is of myself riding across the country on a motorcycle. Is that not an awesome idea? Having just got my license in the mail yesterday, I am excited. Before I divulge more into this goal, I’d like to give share the origins of this vision. The thought of even getting a motorcycle, much less a motorcycle license, was a foreign thought to me less than four months ago. They seemed dangerous, complicated to control, and my parents would murder me in cold blood before I would even get on one. I just did not see the point. However, as I drove around more and more with a car, I felt the pain and anger of attempting to find a parking space. I got parking rage, as a certain special someone might call it. Getting a motorcycle, if even just for the easier parking, did not sound like such a bad idea. The only thing stopping me was my laziness. However, as it so often is, the actions of a friend instilled in me some drive, some ambition, some determination. A close friend of mine decided he wanted a motorcycle, and had taken the necessary preliminary steps in getting one. I realized, this is my life, and I only get one shot at it. It was now or never; did I really want to go through life never riding a motorcycle? I did not want to become an old man and look back thinking “damn, I could have been young with a motorcycle, I should have just done it.” So, as a spur of the moment thing, I got my permit, signed up for lessons, took lessons, passed the test, got the waiver in the mail, went to DMV with the waiver, and now I have a license.

Buying a motorcycle is a big investment, but I do plan on buying an actual motorcycle soon when the prices are at their lowest. Eventually I will drive across the country when the time presents itself. If time chooses to play hard to get, well, I’ll just have to make time.
- Your friend, Kwok
I really like the goals you have. I especially like your first goal. Many of us think it is important to help the world, but we don't really take action. I really admire your kindness to people who need help.
I am also currently helping World Vision to translate letters that African children wrote in English to Chinese. However, I didn't put it as one of my goals, because I never thought about it. I think I should though. I should learn this from you, and continue to translate letters for World Vision :).
I think traveling around the world is an ideal goal on many people's agenda but what makes yours sound appealing is that you want to do it across the country on a motorcycle! I can imagine you crossing the borders and experiencing the different cultures and lifestyles from state to state. Not only that, instead of being "trapped" inside a vehicle, you'll be outside enjoying the LONGGGGG ride. I've always wanted to get my license but I guess living in the city has delayed that and even to this day, I still don't have it. I admire how you figured what you wanted and went and applied for it.
When it comes to helping others out, never feel awkward to go back and lend a helping hand. Never hold back and go all out because there's always someone out there who needs your help and will appreciate it more than anything. If you do decide to sign up to volunteer for something, let me know! I've been looking at a few volunteer programs myself.
I like all your visions and find them very original and realistic at the same time. I particularly respect your goal of wanting to volunteer and help someday people in South America. I think that that is a very noble vision, and I encourage you to poursue it. I also often volunteer in homeless shelters during the winter, and there is nothing more fulfulling than helping others.
I like all your visions and find them very original and realistic at the same time. I particularly respect your goal of wanting to volunteer and help someday people in South America. I think that that is a very noble vision, and I encourage you to poursue it. I also often volunteer in homeless shelters during the winter, and there is nothing more fulfulling than helping others.
I like your visions and I found some of our visions in common. Such as the vision of travelling around, I found many people are also having this same vision. I am wondering what is the place that you most desire to go? Would it be my hometown Hong Kong by any chance.
Also, we having the same visions of being able to earn enough money to support our family. I hope that my parents do not have to work anymore once I work. I want them can enjoy their rest of lifes since they have already work for so many years. I hope that they can have time to enjoy their lifes and don't have to worry anymore about make a living. I guess in order to achieve this, we really need to put more effort in school and get higher GPA. As you point out, most jobs look at students' GPA as first consideration for candidates; therefore, we really need to work hard in school in order to get GPA and get good job! So let's work hard together!
Your first vision sound great to me. Helping people in needs is really great thing to do. Most people have difficulties to take actions those thoughts. I’ve always been thinking I have to help somebody in needs someday when I am in stable status. However, after reading your blog, I feel guilty. I realized that I could do it anytime when I feel like to. I could start with a little thing. When I did charity thing when I was young, I felt pretty much good for myself. Thanks for the chance to make myself realize that.
And vision of traveling on a motorcycle sounds really interesting, too. Of course, it sounds dangerous, too. My brother really liked motorcycle. Especially, my mom was against motorcycle issue. She was worried about him all the time when he was out.He had lots of accidents.J I agree with you that you just live once and give it a shot,rather than abandoning your dream.
But you should be aware of all the safe regulations when you ride on it. But you sound like you’ve already prepared. You got permit, took the classes and license finally. Congrats~~~~ Someday when you get a motorcycle, I hope you can enjoy your life by traveling wherever you want to go.
Your visions will come true as long as you put efforts in them. I wish you all the best in your dreams.
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